An American Hero
An American Spirit

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Blairsville's Gordon Spears epitomizes
American Spirit

By Rainer Arnold Union County Editor for Union Sentinel:
He likes kids. He likes to help people, and especially people who needs help. His life has been one of serving others, including his country. He cares for the well being of others, young, old, and in-between. He is a father to his daughter Jessica and a husband of 19 years to his wife, Shari, a native of Union County who has been employed with United Community Bank of Blairsville for years. He is the epitome of what is good about America.
Spears carrying the US Flag at a Memorial Day celebration in Blairsville.
He is Gordon Spears, a former Marine, a present day National Guardsman and a senior correctional officer at the Lee Arrandale maximum security prison in Alto, Ga. where he “helps” scare troubled youths into becoming productive and positive young adults.  To top is all, Union County Commissioner Lamar Paris has asked him to participate in Union County’s Sept 11, commemoration ceremony of that fateful day, in his full dress uniform to which he stated, “ I am glad and honored to do it.”
To meet Gordon Spears is not to meet a person who appears tough and heartless as he portrays himself when he is being the ultimate drill sergeant. Instead, his smile and his devotion to children and their well being is obviously in the forefront of his mind. However, don’t be misled by his pleasant demeanor. He can and has been a scary person to many that could make anyone shake in his or her boots who is on the receiving end of Spear’s wrath.His patriotism is obvious. A Marine veteran, almost ten years in the National Guard, and several tours of duty away from his wife and family. This man places his county and duty above himself. This is what an American dose. This is what spears dose for his country without a burning desire for recognition, only the right to help his country and some of the people in it.
Spears was born in Kentucky, the son of a coal minor, and graduated from Johnson Central High School in Paintsville, KY, in 1981.  
Sgt. Spears giving out candy to Bosnian child while on patrol. On the left is the Bosnian interpreter. Spears was in Bosnia from March 2001 to sept. 2001.
Soon after graduation the patriotic Spears joined the Marine Corps and remained on active duty until his decision to leave for family reasons. However, his quest and love for his country did not leave. In 1993, after his departure from the marines and his settling back in Blairsville with his wife, Spears joined the National Guard and has been a proud and decorated member of that organization since 1993. 
During his tours of duty with the Marines, Spears served on the DMZ in Korea, Okinawa, and six months on the USS Nashville in the Mediterranean Seas. He also served with the first troops to be called up in Desert Storm and saw combat action with is artillery unit.
However, the 1996 Centennial Olympics changed Spears’ life forever. He was on duty with the National Guard. The night of the bombing that killed on American woman and injured others, Spears ran three blocks to aid emergency service personnel and assisted with the wounded, performing a variety of support functions. Later, as a result of his calm and professional efforts in the heat of a national emergency, then Governor Zell Miller awarded Spears the Valley Forge Certificate of Honor. That award is the highest given to a member of the Guard for their display of individual heroism.
Staff Sgt. Gordon Spears recieving his Valley Forge Certificate of Heroism from then governor Zell Miller of Georgia.
Spears also never wavered as he was called to active duty to serve in the Gulf War and be part of a peacekeeping force in war torn Bosnia. A tour of duty from which he did not return until Sept. 28, 2001. “ I enjoy serving my country.” Explained Spears if his tours in war zone. However, when Spears talks of his time in Bosnia or the Gulf War, the conversation always drifts to his interaction with kids.
“ I love to bring them little things that they can’t have because they are not available in those areas.” Stated Spears of his constant carrying of suckers and other treats for children of war torn areas. “ I love to see the look o their faces and their smiles. It makes it all worth while,” said the bulky, yet gentle veteran. But Spears’ life is not just the military. He is presently a “Drill Sergeant” at Lee Arrandale maximum security prison in alto, Ga. As suck he trains, daily, convicted felons of the most serious nature. These are young people, aged 20-25, some are a little older, and some a little younger, but all troubled. “After we get them, they become better than most soldiers. They take to discipline really well and enjoy singing cadence according to Spears. As a result of his prison job, Spears has had the opportunity to appear on the Dr. Joy Browne and Judge Hatchett TV shows. It gave Spears and other officer the opportunity to demonstrate to troubled youths the rigors of a scared straight boot camp atmosphere in hopes of altering a lifestyle that is doomed to lead to trouble.

In on instance, Spears had the opportunity to deal with two brothers who were on the road to serious trouble according to their mother. A day with Spears and a trip with him to a morgue for a day furnished the youngsters an opportunity for reflection and thought and they wisely decided to rejoin society as productive citizens. Spears enjoy serving, not only his country and his community, but all the people in it. If you are in need, Spears, if he is able, he’ll help. If his country needs him, he will heed the call. He has not retired and withdrawn from the military, even though he has over 22 years of service and could retire.

Spears dealing with some youth while in morgue during his visit on the Judge Hatchet show.
Instead he is staying on because he loves the military and the country he serves.
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